Battletoads is a beat ’em-up action game developed and published by Rare for the Sega Genesis in 1993. The game is the first installment in the Battletoads series and tells the story of three frogs named Rash, Zitz, and Pimple, who fight against their enemy, the Dark Queen.
The game is divided into five levels, each level has a different theme. The first levels are regular beat ’em up games, but later levels become more challenging and include new elements, such as jet skiing, skateboarding, and arcade play death.
The game has gameplay that combines beat ’em up and platforming. Players will have to use their fighting skills to defeat enemies while overcoming obstacles and challenges along the way. Battletoads is highly appreciated for its attractive gameplay, beautiful graphics, and vibrant music.
Battletoads was highly praised by critics, who praised its graphics, music, and unique gameplay. The game has sold more than 1 million copies worldwide.