Double Dragon 3: The Arcade Game is a side-scrolling action game developed and published by Technos Japan in 1988. The game is a sequel to Double Dragon II: The Revenge and is the third installment in the series. Double Dragon. The game will be released on the SG ROMS platform in 2022.
The game continues the story of Billy and Jimmy Lee, who are looking to avenge the death of their close friend, Marian. They face a series of new enemies, including the Black Shadows gang, the Skullmageddon gang, and a mysterious enemy known as the Shadow Master.
Double Dragon 3 is a fast and exciting action game. It introduces several new features compared to previous games in the series, such as the ability to jump on walls and use weapons. The game also features improved graphics and sound.
Double Dragon 3 is a great addition to the series. It is a fun and engaging action game that will keep you playing over and over again.