Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney NDS ROM – NintendoDS Game

Updated 07-01-2024 (1 year ago)
Region Worlds
Publisher Capcom
Size 37M
Require NDS Emulators
Release Year 2005
Download 263

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is a legal adventure game developed and published by Capcom for the Nintendo DS in 2005. It is the first installment in the Ace Attorney series, telling the story of Phoenix Wright, a young lawyer fresh out of college who must use his deduction skills to rescue innocent clients from the death penalty.

The game is set in the Western Region of Japan, where Phoenix Wright works at his law office. In each case, players will have to help Phoenix investigate evidence, interview witnesses, and confront witnesses and opposing attorneys.

The game’s gameplay focuses on investigation and defense in court. Players will have to collect evidence, interview witnesses, and make convincing arguments to prove their customers’ innocence.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is highly appreciated for its engaging storyline, interesting characters, and challenging gameplay. The game has won multiple awards, including GameSpot magazine’s Game of the Year Award and IGN magazine’s Best Nintendo DS Game Award.

Download Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney NDS ROM – NintendoDS Game

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