Transformers: Autobots is an action-adventure game developed by Vicarious Visions, and published by Activision for the Nintendo DS in 2007. The game is based on the 2007 film adaptation of the same name.
Players take on the role of an Autobot, a race of robots that can transform into vehicles, in the fight against the Decepticons, a renegade robot race bent on dominating Earth. The game takes place across multiple locations around the world, including New York City, Egypt, and Paris.
Players will control their Autobot through side-walking levels, fighting Decepticons, and completing missions. The game also features puzzle elements, such as the player having to use the Autobot’s transformation abilities to solve puzzles.
Transformers: Autobots received positive reviews from critics. The game was praised for its beautiful graphics, engaging gameplay, and innovative puzzle elements.