Tales of Hearts R – PSVita ROM Download

Updated 05-03-2024 (11 months ago)
Region Worlds
Publisher Namco Bandai Games
Size 1.6G
Require PS Vita Emulators
Release Year 2012
Download 246

Tales of Hearts R is an action role-playing game developed by Namco Bandai Games and released for the PlayStation Vita in 2012. It is an upgraded version of the original Tales of Hearts game, released for Nintendo DS in 2008.

The game tells the story of Kor Meteor, a young man living in a small coastal village. Kor has a special ability to see things that other people cannot see. One day, Kor meets a girl named Kohaku, who is being chased by a group of strangers. Kor and Kohaku set out together to find the truth about what is happening.

Tales of Hearts R is an action role-playing game in the traditional style of the Tales series. The game features a real-time-based combat system in which the player can use skills and magic to fight enemies. The game also has a character development system, allowing players to upgrade their character’s stats and skills.

Tales of Hearts R is highly appreciated by critics and players. The game was praised for its engaging storyline, interesting combat system, and beautiful graphics.

Download Tales of Hearts R – PSVita ROM Download

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