Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z is an action team fighting game developed by Artdink, and published by Bandai Namco Games in 2014 for PlayStation Vita. The game is part of the Dragon Ball series based on the plot of the anime series Dragon Ball Z.
In Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z, players can choose from over 100 characters from the Dragon Ball series to participate in team battles of up to 8 players. Battles take place in 3D environments and the player can use a variety of skills and attacks to fight enemies.
The game has several game modes, including story mode, multiplayer mode, and boss mode. Story mode takes players through the plot of the Dragon Ball Z anime series, from Saiyan battles to Majin Buu battles. Online mode allows players to battle each other online, while boss mode allows players to battle boss characters from the series.
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z is considered an interesting and exciting fighting action game. The game has beautiful graphics, immersive gameplay, and many game modes for players to choose from.