Super Monkey Ball is a platform video game developed by Amusement Vision, and published by Sega for the GameCube in 2001. In the game, the player controls a ball containing a monkey, and must maneuver it through a series of mazes and obstacles to reach the destination.
The game has 100 levels, divided into 10 worlds. Each world has a different theme, such as a jungle, desert, or city. The levels have different levels of difficulty, from easy to difficult.
The player can control the ball using the GameCube’s analog stick. To move the ball, the player needs to rotate the analog stick in the direction they want to move. To jump, the player needs to press the A button.
Super Monkey Ball is an engaging and fun platform game. The game has beautiful graphics and simple but engaging gameplay. The game was highly appreciated by critics and players, selling more than 3 million copies worldwide.