Resident Evil GBC ROM – Game Boy Color

Updated 15-12-2023 (1 year ago)
Region Worlds
Publisher Capcom
Size 667KB
Require GBC Emulators
Release Year 2000
Download 212

Resident Evil is a survival horror game developed and published by Capcom for the Game Boy Color platform in 2000. This is an adaptation of the game of the same name released in 1996 on the PlayStation platform.

The game is set in the Spencer mansion, where a group of explorers was attacked by zombies. Players will take on the role of Jill Valentine or Chris Redfield, two members of the S.T.A.R.S. task force, to find a way to escape the mansion and stop the spread of the T.

The gameplay of Resident Evil on the GBC platform is similar to the original version on PlayStation. Players will move through the rooms and hallways of the mansion, solving puzzles and fighting zombies. The game has a top-down third-person perspective system, with 2D graphics displayed in a pixel art style.

Resident Evil on the GBC platform is highly appreciated for its attractive survival horror gameplay. However, the game was also criticized because the graphics were not well optimized, making objects in the game look a bit blurry and difficult to see.

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