LEGO Marvel Super Heroes is an action-adventure game based on Lego developed by TT Games, and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment in 2013 for the Nintendo Wii U. It is the seventh game in the LEGO series, and the first in the LEGO series set in the Marvel universe.
The game is set in the Marvel universe and allows players to control several famous Marvel superheroes and supervillains, including Spider-Man, Iron Man, Wolverine, Thor, Captain America, and Hulk. Players will have to work together to stop the plots of Loki and Galactus.
The game has similar gameplay to other LEGO games. Players will solve puzzles, fight enemies, and collect Lego pieces to unlock new characters and content. The game also has a co-op mode that allows two players to play together.
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes has received positive reviews from critics. The game has been praised for its gameplay, graphics, and sound. The game has also sold more than 5 million copies worldwide.