Dragon Ball: Advanced Adventure is a beat ’em up action video game developed by Dimps, and published by Atari in 2004 for the Game Boy Advance. The game is based on the Dragon Ball manga and anime series by Akira Toriyama.
The game follows Goku’s journey from the beginning of the series, when he meets Bulma, to the final battle against King Piccolo. Players can choose to play as Goku or one of 29 other characters, each with their own unique skills and abilities.
The game features fast-paced action gameplay, with combo-based battles. Players can use basic attacks, special skills, and items to defeat enemies. The game also has puzzle elements, such as searching for keys and solving puzzles to open the way.
In addition to the story mode, the game also has five different game modes, including practice mode, versus mode, time mode, and challenge mode.
Dragon Ball: Advanced Adventure received positive reviews from critics, with praise for its action-packed gameplay and beautiful graphics. The game has sold more than 1.5 million copies worldwide.