Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai: Another Road is a 3D fighting game developed by Dimps, and published by Atari SA for the PlayStation Portable (PSP). This is the sequel to Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai released in 2007.
The gameplay of Another Road is similar to Shin Budokai, with a 3D combat system and special attacks based on the Dragon Ball Z anime. The game has some new features such as a “Dramatic Finish” system that allows players to Finish off opponents with impressive special attacks.
Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai: Another Road’s graphics are improved compared to Shin Budokai with more detailed character models and more beautiful 3D environments. The game’s sound is also very good with vibrant background music and vivid sound effects.
Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai: Another Road received positive reviews from critics and players. The game was praised for its engaging gameplay, beautiful graphics, and interesting storyline.