Dexter’s Laboratory: Deesaster Strikes! is an action-adventure platform game based on the Cartoon Network animated series of the same name. The game was developed by Virtucraft, and published by Atari in 2002 for the Game Boy Advance platform.
In the game, players will transform into Dexter, a genius boy with a secret laboratory. One day, Dexter was performing a new experiment when suddenly a mysterious explosion destroyed the laboratory. Dexter must use his wits and gadgets to save the city from bad guys who are taking advantage of the situation.
The game has 2D graphics with a bright, eye-catching animation style. The characters in the game are designed based on prototypes in cartoons, bringing a feeling of closeness and familiarity to players.
The gameplay of Dexter’s Laboratory: Deesaster Strikes! is quite simple, the player will control Dexter to move through levels, solve puzzles, and defeat enemies. Dexter can use a variety of weapons and devices to fight, including laser guns, bombs, and robots,…
Dexter’s Laboratory: Deesaster Strikes! is a fun and exciting action-adventure platform game. The game is suitable for all ages, especially fans of the animated movie Dexter’s Laboratory.