Frogger GBC ROM – Game Boy Color

Updated 19-12-2023 (1 year ago)
Region Worlds
Publisher Konami
Size 30KB
Require GBC Emulators
Release Year 1998
Download 212

Frogger is a classic arcade video game developed and published by Konami in 1981. The game is an obstacle course game in which the player controls a frog across a path, a river, and a railway to reach the destination.

The game was released for various platforms, including the Game Boy Color (GBC). The GBC version of Frogger was released in 1998 by Konami. Frogger has improved graphics and added several new features, such as multiplayer and challenge mode.

In single-player mode, the player controls a frog across a road, a river, and a railroad track to reach its destination. The frog can jump up and down, and the player can use the joystick to navigate the frog around obstacles.

The road is divided into two lanes, one for cars and one for bicycles. Players need to avoid being hit by cars and bicycles. The river contains many obstacles, such as crocodiles, snakes, and fish. Players need to avoid being hit by obstacles. The track contains passing trains. Players need to avoid being hit by a train.

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