Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories is a card role-playing game developed by Konami Computer Entertainment Japan and published by Konami for PlayStation. This is the first game in the Yu-Gi-Oh! was released on the PlayStation and was one of the first card games released on the console.
The game is set in ancient Egypt, where players take on the role of Yugi Muto, a high school student who possesses the power of Pharaoh Atem. Players must fight other opponents using monster cards, spells, and traps. The game features a unique combat system, in which the player can use the monster’s power points to attack opponents directly or use spells and traps to support his beast.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories is a game that critics and players highly rate. The game was praised for its beautiful graphics, engaging gameplay, and unique combat system. The game is also considered one of the best card games of all time.