Patapon 3 is the sequel to Patapon 2, a unique rhythm game that combines real-time strategy elements. In Patapon 3, you will continue leading the brave tribe against hostile forces and uncover the mystery of their origins.
Unique rhythm gameplay: You will control Patapon by tapping buttons in rhythm to command them to attack, defend, use magic, and move.
Engaging plot: Patapon 3 has an engaging story with many interesting characters and epic battles.
Beautiful graphics: Patapon 3 has colorful and detailed 2D graphics, bringing a vivid Patapon world.
Diverse game modes: Patapon 3 has many different game modes, including single-player mode, multiplayer mode, and challenge mode.
Patapon 3 is a great game for those who love rhythm, strategy, and adventure. If you have loved Patapon 1 and 2, you definitely won’t be able to ignore Patapon 3.