Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two is an action-adventure platform game developed by Junction Point Studios, and published by Disney Interactive Studios in 2012. It is a sequel to the game Epic Mickey released in 2010.
The story of Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two begins when Mickey Mouse and Oswald the Lucky Rabbit are summoned to the Wasteland by Gus the Theater Rat. Gus tells them that the Wasteland is threatened by a new dark force, and only his two old friends can stop it.
The gameplay of Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two is similar to the first game, with the player using Mickey’s magical paintbrush to draw and erase objects in the world. However, this sequel does have some new features, including the ability to play two-player co-op.
Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two is a fun and exciting platform action-adventure game. The game has creative gameplay, beautiful graphics, and an engaging story. However, the game is a bit short and lacks challenge.