Wonder Boy In Monster Land is an action-adventure game developed and published by Sega in 1987 for the SMS Roms platform. This is the sequel to the game Wonder Boy (1986) and the first installment in the Wonder Boy series.
In the game, the player controls a boy named Tom Tom, who is searching for a way to rescue his girlfriend, Tina, from a monster named King Monster. Tom Tom will have to travel through many different lands, fight many types of monsters, and solve puzzles to move forward.
The gameplay of Wonder Boy In Monster Land is quite simple but still gives players interesting experiences. Players can move Tom Tom in 8 directions, attack with fists, or throw boomerangs. Tom Tom can also collect items to upgrade his powers and abilities.
Wonder Boy In Monster Land is a classic game of the SMS Roms platform. The game is highly appreciated for its graphics, sound, and gameplay. The game has sold more than 1 million copies worldwide.