Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors’ Dreams is a fighting game developed and published by Capcom for the Game Boy Color in 1998. It is an adaptation of the arcade game Street Fighter Alpha 2, and is a fighting game first released for the Game Boy Color.
The game’s plot takes place after the events of Street Fighter Alpha 2, and it follows Ryu as he participates in a new tournament to find the strongest person in the world. Along the way, he will face a series of powerful opponents, including new characters created specifically for this game.
The game features 16 playable characters, including new characters such as Sakura Kasugano and Chun-Li, as well as returning characters from the Street Fighter series. Each character has its own unique set of skills and abilities.
Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors’ Dreams received positive reviews from critics, with many praising its engaging gameplay and beautiful graphics. The game has sold more than 1 million copies worldwide.