Spider-Man is an action-adventure video game based on the Marvel Comics superhero Spider-Man. The game was developed by Neversoft, and published by Activision for Nintendo 64 in 1999.
The game is set in New York City and tells the story of Spider-Man as he fights against a group of criminals led by Doctor Octopus. Players can control Spider-Man using his abilities such as spider shooting, rope swinging, and web shooting to fight enemies and explore the city.
Players will control Spider-Man to explore the city, fight enemies, and rescue civilians. Along the way, players will encounter various villains, including Green Goblin, Venom, and Rhino.
Spider-Man can use spider shooting to move around the city quickly. Players can also use shooting spiders to swing across buildings.
Spider-Man is an action-adventure game with attractive graphics and gameplay. The game received positive reviews from critics, with an average score of 78/100 on Metacritic.