Sonic Lost World is an action-adventure platform video game developed by Sonic Team and published by Nintendo. The game was released for the Wii U in 2013 in North America and Europe.
The story of Sonic Lost World begins when Sonic and Tails are chasing Doctor Eggman. Eggman used a new machine to kidnap the Deadly Six, a group of monsters living in the world of Lost Hex. Sonic and Tails chase Eggman to the Lost Hex, where they free the Deadly Six and begin their adventure to defeat Eggman.
The game has a total of 27 levels, divided into 7 worlds. Each world has a unique theme and design. Players will have to use Sonic’s skills to overcome obstacles, solve puzzles, and defeat enemies.
Additionally, the game also features a Time Attack mode, in which players compete against their time to complete levels. Sonic Generations Challenge Mode also allows players to replay levels from Sonic Generations.
Sonic Lost World is a fun and exciting Sonic game. The game has beautiful graphics, vivid sound, and fresh gameplay. However, some players may find the game too easy and lacking in challenge.