Pokémon Prism is a role-playing video game developed by the Prism Dev Team community and based on the game Pokémon Crystal. The game was first released in 2018 for the Game Boy Color (GBC) platform.
Pokemon Prism is set in the Naljo region, a newly discovered land outside of Hoenn. Players will take on the role of Lance Jr., son of Lance, one of the champions of the Pokemon League. The player’s mission is to explore the Naljo region, collect Pokemon, and defeat the Elite Four to become the new champion.
The game features a new storyline, with many new characters and side plots. Players will discover the secrets of the Naljo Region, including the return of Team Rocket.
Pokemon Prism is highly rated by gamers and is considered one of the best Pokemon hacks ever created. The game has received many awards, including the Best ROM Hack Award from The Pokémon Central.