Pokémon Platinum Version NDS ROM – NintendoDS Game

Updated 26-12-2023 (1 year ago)
Region Worlds
Publisher Nintendo
Size 21M
Require NDS Emulators
Release Year 2008
Download 263

Pokémon Platinum Version is a role-playing video game developed by Game Freak, and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo DS. It is a remake of the games Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, released for the same systems in 2006. Pokémon Platinum Version was released in Japan in 2008, and in North America, Europe and Australia in 2009.

The game is set in the Sinnoh region, a fantasy land based on the Hokkaido region of Japan. Players control a young Pokémon trainer on his journey to conquer the Pokémon League. Along the way, players will collect and train Pokémon, battle other trainers, and explore the Sinnoh region.

Pokémon Platinum Version was highly praised by critics, with an average score of 88/100 on Metacritic. The game was praised for its engaging storyline, beautiful graphics, and engaging gameplay. Pokémon Platinum Version is a top-rated Pokémon game, and is considered one of the best Pokémon games of all time.

Download Pokémon Platinum Version NDS ROM – NintendoDS Game

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