Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles is an action role-playing game developed by tri-Ace, and published by Square Enix in 2003 for the Nintendo GameCube. It is the first game in the Crystal Chronicles series, and the first Final Fantasy game specifically designed for multiplayer.
The game takes place in the world of Crystallis, a land covered by a toxic rain. To survive, humans must live in villages protected by a crystal veil. Players control a group of four who travel to different villages to collect crystals and fight malicious creatures.
The game has gameplay that combines action role-playing and turn-based combat. Players can move freely around the world and use weapons and magic to fight enemies. The game also features a multiplayer system that allows up to four players to play together.
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles received positive reviews from critics. The game was praised for its unique gameplay, beautiful graphics, and good soundtrack. The game was also a commercial success, selling over 2.5 million copies worldwide.