Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2 is a fighting game developed by Dimps, and published by Atari in 2003 for the GameCube. It is the sequel to Dragon Ball Z: Budokai and is one of the best Dragon Ball games ever made.
The game has stunning 3D graphics and fast-paced action gameplay. It includes a variety of characters to play, including Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and many others. There are many different game modes, including story mode, fighting mode, and training mode.
Story mode retells the story of Dragon Ball Z, starting with the Saiyan Saga and ending with the Majin Buu Saga. Versus mode allows you to play against other players or the computer. Practice mode helps you learn how to play the game and improve your skills.
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2 is a great game for any Dragon Ball fan. It has stunning graphics, engaging gameplay, and plenty of content to explore. If you are looking for a great Dragon Ball game, this is the perfect choice for you.