LEGO Marvel Super Heroes is a Lego action-adventure game released in 2013, based on the Marvel Universe. The game is developed by Traveler’s Tales and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment for Xbox 360.
Control Over 100 Marvel Characters
In LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, players can control more than 100 Marvel characters, including Iron Man, Spider-Man, Captain America, Hulk, Thor, and many more. The game features an original storyline, following Doctor Doom as he attempts to take over the world with the power of the Infinity Stones.
Attractive Action-Adventure Gameplay
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes is an action-adventure game that uses a third-person perspective. Players can control a team of LEGO characters as they explore New York City and other locations in the Marvel universe. Characters can use their special abilities to solve puzzles and fight enemies.
Why Should You Play LEGO Marvel Super Heroes?
If you are a fan of Marvel or love the action-adventure game genre, LEGO Marvel Super Heroes is a game that should not be missed on Xbox 360. The game brings hours of dramatic and exciting entertainment when you Transform into Marvel superheroes and explore New York City.